Simple, transparent pricing.

Use credits to run our AI assistant.
1 image = 1 credit

50 credits

To start with our AI assistant.
Great for small projects.

$ 10

50 images

$0.20 per image

Buy 50 credits

200 credits

Perfect for 1 or 2 rooms.
Great to get started.

$ 30

200 images

$0.15 per image

Buy 200 credits
Most Popular

750 credits

Perfect for a home renovation.
The best value for the money.

$ 90

750 images

$0.12 per image

Buy 750 credits

1,500 credits

No half measures.
Lowest cost per image.

$ 150

1,500 images

$0.10 per image

Buy 1,500 credits

Frequently asked questions.

Let us help answer the most common questions you might have.

Can I use ARDI Studio AI generated designs for commercial use?

Only PRO accounts are allowed to use our generated images with commercial use. If you need a PRO account, please reach out to us to onboard you in our beta.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes. If you are not satisfied with your AI generated designs please reach out to us with your failing attempts attached. We will review it and give you back your charged credits.

Are my uploaded photos private?

Yes. All your images are yours and will never be published without your consent.

Can I generate variations of a rendering that I like?

Yes. Download the AI generated design image you liked and then upload it as a new image. Select the same settings (Room type and Design style) and click on "Create a new design" multiple times to get new variations inspired by the one you liked.

Can I get new designs while using the same photo and same parameters?

Absolutely. Each time you click on "Create a new design" you will get a unique variation created by our AI Design Assistant, even if you provided the same photo and the same parameters. This is because our AI Design Assistant inserts some randomness in the design process to come up with design variations.